That's us
Hebammenkollektiv Yoni
Lena Eckner
Telefone: 0157 51821430
Voluntary year on the postnatal Station (St. Georg, Leipzig)
2018-2021 Midwifery training at St. Georg in Leipzig
2021 -2023 Freelance midwife in a brith center in Leipzig
Sophie Vincentz
Telephone: 0152 04094207
2017-2020 Midwifery training at Stuttgart Hospital
2020 - 2023 Freelance midwife in a birth center in Leipzig
Further training in homeopathy, taping, aromatherapy, acupuncture, bonding analysis and baby massage
Miriam Günther
Telefone: 0157 37282617
2015-2018 Midwifery training at the University Hospital of Würzburg
2019 -2020 Freelance midwife in a birth center in Münster
2021 - 2023 Freelance midwife in a birth center in Leipzig
Further training in manual therapy, baby massage, bonding analysis and as a midwife at primary schools
Our Name: Hebammenkollektiv Yoni
"YONI" is an umbrella term for the female reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, vagina, vulva) and means womb, source, nest, origin, female primal force and home. It is precisely with these beautiful affirmations that we can feel empowered. It's not for nothing that "YONI" is increasingly being used as a new word for "pussy" or "vagina".
Our aim with our name is to achieve a feminist characterisation of the term yoni, detached from tantra and esotericism.
The YONI midwives' collective is also intended to be a sheltered place, a protective space and, above all, a contact point with understanding for all people who do not have "female sexual organs" or do not feel comfortable/identify with them.
As a collective, we work together as a team, share the same convictions and make decisions together. So there is no boss. This means we can protect ourselves and our resources and don't have to be lone warriors.
our mission statement
Over the last few years of working together, we have concretised our ideas, ideals and experiences.
The feminist principles of our work are summarised for you here:
at eye level
We want to treat you as equals and work together as a team without hierarchy.
We see every person as an individual and work accordingly, customised to your needs. To achieve this, we get to know each other over a longer period of time.
Self-determination also means taking personal responsibility for yourself and your child.
for everyone
Our aim is to be able to support everyone. Regardless of origin, religion, sexual identity, family constellation, social status or income. That is why we offer a variable on-call fee. Financial resources should not determine the choice of place of birth.
Everyone is welcome - regardless of gender or sexual identity. We know that there are many hurdles and that a lot still needs to happen to make our work truly accessible to everyone - from our side, but also from a social and political perspective. That is why we are constantly trying to improve and educate ourselves and are always open to suggestions or comments.
Let's learn from each other.
Guardians of physiology
We would like to accompany you on this journey, empower you
to be in trust with yourself, your body, your own strength and your child. In a healthy, pregnant person, we trust in nature and can advise you as holistically and with as little intervention as possible. The most important basis for this is 1-to-1 care, which we guarantee.
We always work according to the latest scientific findings, orientate ourselves on prescribed guidelines, work professionally and are far removed from any esoteric mumbo-jumbo.
To ensure that we are always up to date, we regularly undergo further training regularly and complement each other here in the team.
Our vision
We dream of a meeting place for the de-tabooing of women's health issues. For far too long, this has only been a shadowy area of medical care. We hope to use our educational work to establish more awareness of health and a positive body image in society. This is also an important cornerstone for natural births.
We would be happy to enter into dialogue with you in order to pursue our political goals and responsibilities.